Best Dreamcatcher
Dream catchers were intended to work best when you hang them at least half a foot above your bed just above your head when you sleep at night. The reason this is so is based on it’s original design which was intended that the dream catcher serves as a net that captures and stores the bad dreams while letting the good dreams fall down onto your head letting you have pleasant dreams. This is the main reason why you would hang a dream catcher above your head so that it will work most effectively. It is for this reason that they were invented and intended to be used, however in the modern world to this day some people have recorded that hanging a dream catcher just in your room will have the same effect as having it directly above your head.

Where should you not hang a dream catcher

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Best Dreamcatcher Songs

above we advised as to the best place to hang a dream catcher, however there are a number of places you shouldn’t place a dream catcher. It is popular to have dream catcher all around your home, some people have them in their vehicles or cars or a small one hanging from their bag. However there is no “bad” place to hang dream catchers. The only thing is that they will not work as effectively or not work at all if they are not above you when you sleep or at least in the same room at night.
Dreamcatcher Meaning
This brings me to the question of whether it would be safe to have a dream catcher not in your bed. In order for a dream catcher to work effectively it must be around somebody when they sleep. A dream catcher will catch any bad spirit that is lurking as well as catching good ones floating around. If you have a dream catcher that is in your living room for example it will capture and store good and bad dreams and may prevent them from actually reaching you causing a reduction in good, bad and all dreams in general.
Authentic Native American Dreamcatcher
My Advise would be that if you are looking to use dream catchers to stop bad dreams only have one in your bedroom or room where you sleep. Don’t have it in any other room or even your car at night as it may stop your dream catcher from working correctly.