Sleeping Queens Card Game
How To Play Sleeping Queens the card game, and why you should buy it for your little family!
- Sleeping Queens Card Game Directions
- Sleeping Queens Card Game Review
- Sleeping Queens Card Game Video
- Sleeping Queens Online
Gamewright Sleeping Queens Card Game; Hover to Zoom. Gamewright Sleeping Queens Card Game. Purchase Options. Located in Aisle 53. The official rules for Sleeping Queens card game. If you've lost your original rule set, you've come to the right place.
Every once in a while, a game shows up that answers a need in your life you didn’t really know you had.
This is that game.

I love to play games with my kids. I love bonding with them, I love teaching them camaraderie, patience, and good sportsmanship. I love seeing their maturity grow, and I love seeing their understanding of how rules work bringing joy and understanding in a world of chaos.
But what I don’t love, is saying no to them all the time because I am always in the middle of doing things when they incoveniantly ask me to play with them.
And games are LOOOOOONG. Set ups are tedious, and teaching/reminding kids how to play, just sucks so much joy out of life.
But this game was literally created by an eight year old! it is simple, beautiful, fun, and QUICK!
3-5 minutes max. and then you can guilt-free go back to projects that you are working on, and your kids won’t grow up with the ‘my parents never took time out for me’ issues.
Your welcome.
About Sleeping Queens.
It was created by an eight year old, and it has the cutest pictures! There are this many queens, and this many kings, and they have quirky titles that my kids love!
The titles don’t have too much to do with the game, but they giggle when there are funny matches like “Fire King and Ice Cream Queen, or Pancake Queen and Bubble Gum King”. (imagine eating bubble gum pancakes!)
Easy Set Up
All the queens are ‘asleep’ and need to be awakened by a King. The Queens have a different back to them, and all of those are put in the middle.
Then you hand out 5 cards to each person, put the rest of the deck down in a ‘draw’ pile, with room for a ‘discard’ pile.
That’s it! Now you are ready to play!
How to Play the Sleeping Queens Card Game:

Sleeping Queens Card Game Directions
Go around in turns, and each person can play one card in their hand (they must always have 5 cards).
A king can pick up a queen (put the queen in front of you, face down, and the king in the discard pile.)
Jester is a chance card. Play him, and pick the top draw card. If it is an action card, use it, or keep it in your hand. If it is a number card, (like 6) count that many people around, and whoever it lands on gets to pick up an extra queen!
A dragon can steal a queen from someone else, but if the person has a knight, they can defend the queen (both dragon and knight go in the discard pile after play)

Poison can put another queen back to sleep (in the middle)
Sleeping Queens Card Game Review
But the wand will keep her safe (discard both after play)
Cat Queen and Dog Queen fight like. . . well, cats and dogs, and cannot be in the same person’s hand at the same time. So put back one into the sleeping pool.
Rose Queen gives you an extra move
And Strawberry Queen can never be stolen. (why? because it was the 8 year old inventor’s favorite)
The first person with 50 points or 5 Queens wins! (points are on the queens’ card)
That is it! so easy! Even my 3 year old can play (with just a little bit of help).

Like I said before, fast to set up, quick to play, fun is had by all, and you can decide how long you can spend playing it. Because one round takes less than five minutes!
Sleeping Queens Card Game Video
It is a win/win/win type of game!
Sleeping Queens Online
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